In the 1960’s the Beatles…wrote the song I Want To Hold Your Hand. This was before the feminist movement. Men were men and women were women.
Well, in the book Getting To “I Do” by Dr. Pat Allen…she explains the difference between masculine and feminine energy. The words “I Want” and I Think” are used….men pick with their eyes and women pick with their ears….. The Beatles…attracted women with not only their looks,but with their words they used in their songs… If more people did understand the meaning of the words they use, it might be a more balanced life for each individual that is having difficult communicating in romantic,business, and family relationships. This song really helped me understand it ….women in the 1960’s dressed feminine and really got turned on to what they heard. Masculine energy men go after what they want and feminine energy women get what they want by saying “no” to what they don’t want. This information works for gays and lesbians too.
In the book Sex, Time and Power by Leonard Schlain…he explains when women started saying NO….
It’s all semantics and if you want to learn more …I’m an ASR which means…androgynous semantic realignment EDUCATOR and I can teach you more about the language and energies if you’re not getting the results from the language you’re speaking. Next time you hear the words “I Want” …perhaps it will bring you back to the 1960’s!!!!!!!!!!
Cathy Katz/Educator Of Effective Communication Strategies/714 381 4136
Call for an appointment today!