The definition is: to cherish someone or something is to care for it deeply, to treasure it, to love , to protect and on and on.
I chose this topic today because I was fortunate to have been cherished by my DADDY 35 years ago. He was the best Daddy. He knew how to cherish his little daughters…(me and my sister). He protected us and loved us, gave to us memories that we will remember forever. We miss him every day.
The point I want to make is that it’s important for little girls to be cherished by their Daddy. Daddy is the first man we meet when we’re born. Not everyone has the privilege to experience this and it’s sad because growing up without a male figure cherishing can make a huge difference in the partner we choose in our adult life.
My mentor Dr. Pat Allen is always recommending the book by Dr. Linda Leonard THE WOUNDED WOMAN about how important that relationship is with Daddy.
I coach men and women and have learned that without the cherishing, women tend to pick men that don’t cherish them in their adult life. So if you have a wound with your Daddy and you want to heal it I welcome the opportunity for you to attend my book club to discuss the book. Contact me if you don’t live locally and are interested in my book club information for a short summary.
I wrote this blog in memory of my Daddy.
A real man knows how to cherish his woman,but if you didn’t have a Daddy like mine and you’re meeting all the wrong men..I hope you’ll be open for some information to assist you in moving forward in your life when it comes to meeting a real man.