Alfred Korzybski was a Polish-American philosopher and scientist. He is remembered for developing theory of general semantics. His work argued that human knowledge of the world is limited both by the human nervous system and by the structure of language. In his childhood he learned 4 languages.
Sometimes our perceptions and our languages mislead us as to the “facts” with which we must deal.
“There are two ways to slide easily through life: to believe everything or to doubt everything; both ways save us from thinking.”
Korzybski was giving a lecture to a group of students, and he decided to share some biscuits wrapped in white paper to the students. He said “Nice biscuit, don’t you think,” while he took a second one he revealed the original wrapping the words were “Dog Cookies.” The students were sickened. He had demonstrated that people don’t just eat food, but also words, and that the taste of the former is often outdone by the taste of the latter.
In conclusion..I’m an ASR Educator ..I care about the words you use. I’m teaching you a new language so you can speak rationally, decide rationally, and argue rationally.